Being insured against sudden expenses is just as important after retiring as when you were working. That is why we offer all our members the opportunity to take out illness cover at a low charge.
This is included in Critical illness 60+
Ailments often lead to increased expenses. Wouldn’t it feel good to be able to take a trip or some other nice treat while undergoing rehabilitation?
With Critical illness 60+ , you have that opportunity and you can keep the insurance going until you turn 85. If you are given one of the following diagnoses, caused by an ailment, you can receive tax-free lump-sum compensation.

How does Critical illness 60+ work?
You can read more about how the insurance works here.
Take out insurance for your life partner
You can take out Critical illness 60+ for your spouse, registered partner or co-habitee. Contact Customer Services - 0771–58 59 02 and we will help you.
Compensation after a specific number of days
In order to be able to be compensated, at least 180 days must have elapsed between taking out the insurance and the day when the diagnosis is made.
This qualifying period does not apply if, within 90 days from withdrawing from our Critical illness insurance, you change over to Critical illness 60+.
You have a right to compensation when 30 days have elapsed after the diagnosis is established.
If you become ill again
If you have already received compensation for a diagnosis, special rules apply should you be unfortunate enough to be afflicted again:
- Compensation can be paid for a maximum of three different diagnoses.
- You cannot receive compensation for the same diagnosis more than once.
How much compensation can I get in money?
The compensation is SEK 40 000 kr.
Dessa diagnoser omfattas av Diagnos 60+
Diagnosen måste vara fastställd senast den månad du som är gruppmedlem fyller 85 år. Du kan inte få ersättning för en diagnos som du redan hade när försäkringen tecknades.
Diagnos |
Beskrivning |
Cancer (ICD C00-C97 (maligna tumörer) och D00-D09 (cancer in situ) exklusive C44, C91.0, C91.0a-C91.0b, C92.0-C92.1, C92.3-C92.6, C92.0a-C92.0b, C93, C94.4, D00-D00.1, D01.4-D01.9, D02.0, D02.4, D04, D07.0-D07.4, D07.6, D09.0-D09.2, D09.7, D09.9) |
Diagnosen ska baseras på och vara fastställd vid histologisk eller cytologisk undersökning av borttagen tumör eller på genomförd biopsi av specialistläkare i vävnadsundersökningar (patologisk anatomi). |
Motorneuron sjukdom ALS (ICD G 12,2) |
Multipel skleros (ICD G35) |
Parkinsons sjukdom (ICD G20) |
Psoriasisartrit (ICD M079) |
Reumatoid artrit (ICD M05-M06) |
Schizofreni (ICD F20, F25) |
Sjukdomar i hjärnans kärl (ICD G46.0-G46.8, I60-I61, I62.0, I63, I67.0, I68.1-I68.2, I69.1-I69.2) |
Frequently asked questions and answers
Can one change the beneficiary provision from the deceased’s estate to a person of your own choice?
Yes, by sending in a separate beneficiary provision to Folksam. Contact our Customer Service - 0771–58 59 02 and we will help you.
Terms and conditions
Taking out insurance
+46(0)771–58 59 02